Breaking the barriers


How Jimi Hendrix broke the barriers making his race invisible

Although his outlook on life and the music he played lead him to be hated on by many races and cultures, it was the hatred from his own race that would hurt the most. In which, even when a free concert in his once hometown Harlem, New York was almost ruined by such hatred and yet Jimi played on. The horrible names and being told he was a black man playing white man music was the hatred he would brush off to continue his journey to break those racial barriers for peace. The strict barriers in place would not stop the love he felt for life and his music as he saw past it and still would try to bring peace amongst different cultures by combining their types of music. This was a way of making his race invisible as he did not see color, he saw love and music. Using his music as a hammer to eventually break those color barriers to show the world we can all live together peacefully no matter your background. Not only re-connecting with his own race but also connecting them together in seeing past the stereotypes and bringing out the inner peace and love that humans should have for one another. 

"I don’t have nothing to regret at all in the past, except that I might’ve unintentionally hurt somebody else or something."